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Time to run:
30 min

Personas template

Understand who you're designing or solving a problem for

Courtesy of our friends at

The user personas template offers a great way to kickstart your ideation and brainstorming as you develop a better understanding of the problems you're solving and the people you're solving them for. Developed by the Product School of Silicon Valley, this template includes out-of-the-box features and guidelines to help facilitate an effective and efficient session, with actionable next steps as you develop your next round of features, or new product(s).

The personas template helps you:

  • Get a better understanding of the people using your product or service
  • Brainstorm solutions that directly address the issues your users are facing
  • Identify gaps or blindspots before getting to the development stage

How to use the personas template

To use the Mural personas template with your team, follow the steps outlined below.

Before getting started

Before you start creating your user personas, you need to define your research goals. What do you hope to learn from your personas? What information do you need in order to make your personas as useful as possible? Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can move on to the next step.

1. Give your persona a name and a face

Giving your persona a name and a face will help you to humanize them and make them feel more real. Choose a name that reflects their personality or their role within your target audience. You can also find or create an image that represents your persona.

2. Write down their demographics

What's their age, gender, occupation, education level, etc.? Knowing this information will help you to understand how they might interact with your product or service.

3. Write down their motivations

What are their goals and needs? What motivates them? Understanding what they want to achieve will help you to design a better user experience for them.

4. Write down their frustrations

What are their pain points? What are the things that frustrate them or cause them difficulty? Addressing these issues will improve their experience with your product or service.

5. Repeat this process to create multiple user personas

You should create multiple user personas to represent different segments of your target audience. This will ensure that you cater to the needs of as many people as possible. Once you've created multiple personas, separate your user personas into Primary and Secondary categories.

Tips for running a personas template exercise

To get the most out of the personas template with your team, you should:

  • Use visuals (images, drawings, even videos) to help foster a holistic understanding of the user personas you're creating
  • Use Mural's private mode when brainstorming to avoid groupthink, and capture honest feedback on which ideas to prioritize with anonymous voting
  • Keep your user personas up to date as your audience and product continue to develop — this will help align everyone from product and engineering to marketing and sales

How to create a Personas template

Build better personas with more effective collaboration

MURAL's suite of features makes it easy to brainstorm and build personas with your team
Sticky notes & text

Sticky notes & text

Add ideas, action items, and more as a sticky note or text box — then change the colors and cluster to identify patterns and new solutions.



Add comments and tag collaborators for smooth asynchronous communication.

Real-time collaboration

Real-time collaboration

Add more productivity and engagement to meetings and calls with features to guide collaboration.

Private mode

Private mode

Avoid groupthink and get authentic feedback by allowing collaborators to add content privately.

Icons, GIFs, & images

Icons, GIFs, & images

Express complex ideas visually or lead an engaging team-building activity with Noun Project, GIPHY, and Unsplash integrations.

Easy sharing

Easy sharing

There are no barriers to collaboration with the ability to safely and securely share murals with others.

Personas template frequently asked questions

What are user personas and why are they important?

What should be included in a user persona?

What are the benefits of creating user personas?

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